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Paperback specs: Dimensions: 8-1/2 x 5-1/2 x .615 Net Weight: 12.2 ounces Paperback: 232 Pages. Also available as an e-book. Publisher: Blazing Grace Publishing ISBN: 0-9787756-0-0 EAN: 978-0-9787756-0-5 Printed in USA
About the Book
Empty. Corrupted. Tormented. Starved.
This describes the Christian sex addict. No matter what he (or she) does, he will not experience true freedom from the bondage of sexual addiction until he finds the life, love and acceptance he yearns for.
As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God.– Psalms 42:1
The Road to Grace begins by providing the reader with the tools needed to break free from the bondage to sexual sin with a straight-forward, Biblical approach. But this is just the beginning of the journey, as gaining true freedom from lust is about much more than controlling external acts. The Road to Grace delves into the wounds and lies in the heart that block the reader from receiving God’s love, and then guides him to the place where he can accept the free gift of the abundant life in Christ.
Biblical methods for overcoming sexual temptation.
Healing from shame.
How to stop a masturbation habit.
Dealing with the core issues that drive sexual sin.
Understanding and receiving the love of God in the heart.
Healing for Wives
How to restore a marriage that’s been scarred by sexual sin.
Excellent for use in porn/sex addiction support groups.
I am on my second reading of The Road to Grace, this time reading more slowly. Mike’s observations and presentation of scripture, along with the account of his own experience, give me great hope, and show me a direction that I can believe, and that I crave, from someone who’s been there, where I am now. It’s nice to crave something besides one more session of porn. His approach is no holds barred, but compassionate, since he has been in the pits that I’m trying to crawl out of. Also, my wife appreciated very much the section for wives. Seeing Michelle’s feelings and struggles helped her to see that she is normal; in her responses, and gives her hope that the struggle will get easier over time. Thanks Mike, for this labor of love for hurting men and their wives.
This is my second time reading your book. The precious gem you have written has changed my life by leading me to a closer, real relationship with Christ. With God’s help I was able to see the deep, gaping hole in my heart; what you wrote caused me to finally look inside to what was going on and stop blaming others. Facing myself was the toughest thing I ve done, but through your suggestions and relying on Jesus I was able to do so. Total healing may be yet to come, but today my heart is filled with His love, compassion, and mercy.
Your book has changed my life, it has helped me really accept God’s great grace, and opened my eyes to understand more clearly who I am in Christ and how God thinks of me.
I have almost finished your book and love it. The book is outstanding. Since beginning the book I have told my wife of my addiction. The immediate change in our lives was incredible. We have both grown so much closer to each other like never before. We have both grown close to Christ as well. It has been an amazing few months! Thank You and Praise Jesus!!!
So far 4 of us kiwis have read the book and it has been a real blessing to us. You know a book is great/challenging when people, HAVE to put it down for a few days (one person about a week!) because it brings up so much stuff. Every person I have talked to about the book, have really gotten a lot out of it (not always enjoyable – but that too is a great thing!) I’ve given the first two copies you sent me as a gift to guys that are in a support group I am involved in. I’ve been challenging a few of them about bringing their wives more into the process, as you suggest.
I want to say that your book has promoted healing for me in some areas where my heart was still wounded. Thanks so much for the transparency and sensitivity to the woman’s heart I see in the book. I appreciate your hard work. It is going to minister to many.
I am reading your book right now and it is a tremendous blessing to me. Thank you! I have read so many books I was reluctant to get another, but yours is different and I am so glad I did. I have had periods of sobriety but not purity. Thank you for distinguishing between them.
Your book was amazing to say the least. I’ve read several sex addiction books and yours is the best. Your suffering and God’s Grace has made this book powerful. It covers EVERY aspect of sexual addiction from steps to recovery to mending the marriage. It spoke volumes. Your book is a mighty weapon and will save many marriages.