Price each: $17.95
Special price for two copies: $30.00
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Available in English, German, and Italian. The above price does not include postage. Postage rates from Italy to the European Community and the UK: $10.00 for 8-9 day delivery, $19.50 for 3-4 day delivery.
Dimensions: 7 x 10 x .340”
Paperback: 136 pages
ISBN–13: 978-0-9787756-8-1
ISBN–10: 0-9787756-8-6
Printed in USA
A Workbook for Couples for Healing from Porn and Adultery
The Road to Grace for Couples; a Workbook for Healing from Porn and Adultery walks the husband and wife through the process of rebuilding their marriage from the wreckage that porn addiction and adultery causes. Topics include how to talk through and resolve the tough issues, making an action plan, accountability, rebuilding trust, realigning your priorities, fighting with your spouse instead of against them, prayer, healing heart wounds, revitalizing the relationship, and much more.
This is a workbook designed for the husband and wife to work together. Assignments with action steps and/or discussion points are provided, along with space for notes. If you want your notes on the assignments to be private, you might consider purchasing two workbooks. A special price for a two workbook purchase is shown below.
Read Chapter 1 from the Couples Workbook; Setting the Stage
Table of contents:
- Setting the Stage
- Taking Ownership
- The Action Plan
- Understanding My Spouse
- Putting the Two Sides Together
- Priorities
- Who’s the Enemy?
- If He Falls Again
- Rebuilding Trust
- No Control Freaks Allowed
- His Wounds / Her Wounds
- Weaving Humility and Grace into the Marriage
- The Right Words
- Finding Your Best Friend
- Resolving Resentment
- The God Seekers
- The Sweet Spot of Forgiveness
- Sex
- The Return of the Servant-Leader
- Blessing Your Spouse
- Don’t Hide Your Light
- Twelve Reminders