Pictures and Feedback from our “From Porn to Grace” Conference

Posted: Aug 14, 2018

10 days ago, we held our conference on freedom and healing from porn addiction and adultery here in Colorado Springs. The picture above is of our team. Sandy England, the leader of our wives ministry, Tim Peterson, Kelly Norris (who is new to Blazing Grace), Brandon Burnett, who leads the local mens groups, and others were there to help out.

The conference was geared for those who want help with porn or sex addiction, and the wives.  Tim, Sandy, Kelly, and I  spoke.


We were discreet about shooting pictures of those in attendance, knowing some were there who didn’t want their pictures taken due to what they were going through. One wife told us her husband didn’t know she was there and if he did he would have been angry.


The picture above shows Sandy England with Tim Peterson. Tim is wearing our new “Struggling with Porn” T-shirts that have the same artwork as our billboards, which will be available on the website for purchase soon.


Kelly, with her husband Patrick, sharing their story.

Those of us who spoke shared our stories; we went into the heart issues that drive lust, what the recovery process looks like, healing the wife’s heart, how to deal with triggers (from both sides – men and wives), going deeper in our relationships with the Lord, and much more.

We talked with men and women who needed help at every level of the church, including pastors and pastor’s wives and others in various ministry capacities. Many shared their stories with us, often in tears.

The feedback we received from those who attended was overwhelmingly positive. We heard comments such as “There was a lot I needed to hear,” “Thank you so much for doing this, it was awesome,” “Loved the honesty of the speakers,” “I walked away feeling encouraged, challenged, and uplifted,” and more.

A DVD will be available of the conference in the next month for purchase at the store.

We’d love to be able to help the sexually broken and their spouses in your church or community by putting on a From Porn to Grace there. If you’re interested, contact us for more information and let’s discuss how we can work together to put a conference together.