Group for Women Who Struggle with Porn

Blazing Grace Women’s Support Group for Porn and Sex Addiction

The Blazing Grace Women’s Group is for women who struggle with sex or porn addiction.

The primary goal of the group is to walk each group member through the process of encountering God and His grace, and provide you with the Biblical tools to live free from sexual lust. This is done by:
1. Staying out of isolation and stopping the hiding and deception that accompanies sexual sin through accountability to the group, accountability partner, and the spouse.
2. Taking effective action steps to eliminate the stumbling blocks of temptation under your control.
3. Equipping you with the tools to overcome temptation.
4. Delving into the heart issues that need to be resolved in order to receive the love of God more fully.
5. Focused time seeking and connecting with God.
6. Restoration of your marriage.

Kelly Norris, women’s group facilitator

Mike Genung’s book The Road to Grace; Finding True Freedom from the Bondage of Sexual Addiction is used as reference material for the group; assignments may be given to keep you on course to a path to freedom.

The group meets weekly by phone conference call. During the meeting time every group member will be accountable to the group for any struggles with lust or sexual sin, discuss how they did with the prior week’s assignments, and receive feedback and support. Group participants are encouraged to contact other members during the week for support and accountability.

The weekly assignments include accountability and transparency with your accountability partner and spouse, setting up and implementing an action plan to remove the stumbling blocks of temptation under the woman’s control, readings, and more.

Fee to participate in all weekly meetings for one year: $99.00

For those outside of North America, please feel free to contact us. We’ve had group members from Canada and Australia; you’re welcome to participate group as long as you speak English. In some instances we may set up a special group time for those in different countries.

To find out more, please send an email to

Photo credit: Katarzyna Białasiewicz