Today is July 18, 2013, the official launch date of the Blazing Grace Blog.
If you like no-holds barred, no compromise content on porn, the church, the Christian life, and finding freedom from sexual addiction, this blog is for you.
Porn and adultery are destroying families left and right. Men are in deep bondage, women are hurting, kids are being neglected – and corrupted by our sex-saturated society. We know, because we receive your emails. And, I struggled with porn and sexual sin for 20 years and could have lost my marriage because of it.
When children lose their fathers because Dad was so self-absorbed and in bondage to sin that he didn’t see what was important until it was too late, it breaks my heart.
When wives email and say their Christian husband won’t give up porn and ask what to do, it grieves us to hear that another family is on the edge of destruction.
When churches don’t talk about sexual sin or porn just because they’re afraid of saying the word SEX, it makes me sick. Our families are failing because we’re too afraid to confront the truth that at least half of the men in church are messing with porn; many families are at risk because the men aren’t being confronted with no-compromise truth that they could destroy their lives and that of their families from “just porn.”
We’re building a team of writers so you’ll get a rich variety of perspectives and life experience.
So come along, and let’s take this journey together. Be sure to sign up to receive notifications when new posts are made.