Join Us for Our Next Night of Prayer

Posted: Sep 13, 2024

“All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.”
Acts 1:14

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.”
Acts 2:42-43

As we know from the book of Acts, the early church made God’s word, fellowship, and prayer their top priorities. This small, tight-knit group of radical rogue believers who were willing to count the cost changed the world. When they were persecuted and scattered, they grew even more.

Fellowship and prayer are about connection, with God though prayer, and other believers in community. The church was never meant to be solely about teaching or performance driven services Sunday morning where everyone watches the show, goes home, and that’s it for the week. The God-engineered hunger that burns at every believer’s core is for connection with God and our brothers and sisters in Christ.

There is no setting when God’s word, connection with Him and our fellow brothers and sisters is more powerful than in a prayer meeting. During a prayer meeting, my spirit bonds to my brothers and sisters as we experience His presence together. Holy Spirit-fired prayer meetings should be a part of our church services and every believer’s life, just as they were in the early church. What was standard practice for the early church is an anomaly, even abnormal, today. Isolated believers who rarely if ever attend prayer meetings is the status quo… which is a big reason why the church has been coming apart ever since Covid hit in 2020 while the porn epidemic has continued to explode.

If you’re ready to go rogue and experience the power and connection with God and others that comes from a prayer meeting of God-hungry believers, join us at our next night of prayer next Friday, September 20, from 7:00pm-11:00pm, US Central time.

As before, we will pray for the following, in addition to whatever else God may bring up:

* The sharing of needs and praying for each other.
* That the walls of pride, fear, and arrogance that blind the church from facing its sin, especially sexual sin, would come down, and for conviction and repentance.
* Rescue and healing for those in bondage in sin, especially sexual sin, including healing for wives.
* Marriages and youth.
* That God’s people would be provoked to prayer. We need prayer meetings fired up in every church, every day of the week.
* For new ground, especially in the sexual arena where the enemy continues to destroy lives.
* Specific situations we’re involved with in the US and abroad.

Scripture reading, waiting in silence, and worship will be a part of our time together. Any person from any country who speaks English and has a heart for prayer is welcome. You’re welcome to participate as long as you like; stay for an hour, or the whole four hours. My plan is to participate for the entire four hours.

We will begin promptly at 7:00PM Central time. If you want to come and pray silently instead of out loud, this is fine.

If you’d like to participate, please contact us and we’ll send you the zoom link.