In Arizona, a monsoon can hit quickly.
Last night, around 7:45pm, the sun was out. Within minutes, the sky darkened and the wind whipped into a frenzy, creating a dust storm like one you might see in the middle east. Flashes of lightning laced the sky.
I normally walk our dog around 8:15 in the evening, thought, “Why not?” and ventured out. I was the only one out. I will often pray, worship, and give God thanks for the day during these evening walks; last night it hit me that being outside during a monsoon was a picture of what we’re going through today. We’re in a time of intense spiritual warfare and evil, yet that perspective gets lost in many churches (and you surely won’t hear it from secular media). Pastors fall daily due to moral failure and youth are leaving the church in droves, yet we act as if all is sunshine and roses and we’re not living in the midst of a raging tempest.
Once we filter our perspective with where we are in the titanic war of the ages, we gain clarity. The days of the isolated, comfort-driven, prayerless believer are long gone. No matter who wins the election, the days ahead will get darker. Every believer must become a spiritual warrior if they want to avoid getting on a cocktail of meds or losing themselves in the false comforts and pleasures of this world—including Christian entertainment. Keeping short accounts with sin, being a part of a tribe of other believers, soaking in the Bible, and a passionate prayer life are a must. So is rationing our time in the trauma, fear, and widespread lies of the news.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
– John 16:33
Jesus offers peace in the middle of the storm, but we have to make walking with Him our top priority, no matter what happens or what suffering comes our way.
As always, prayer is critical. Your prayer life is a barometer of your spiritual power, or lack of it. Prayer with other believers is as important as the individual prayer life.
“My own soul’s conviction is that prayer is the grandest power of the universe, that it has more omnipotent force than electricity, attraction, gravitation, or any of those secret forces which men have called by name but which they do not understand.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.”
– Colossians 4:2
We will have our next night of prayer this Friday, July 19, from 7:30pm-11:30pm, US Central time. (Please note the earlier start time).
As before, we will pray for the following, in addition to whatever else God may bring up:
* The sharing of needs and praying for each other.
* That the walls of pride, fear, and arrogance that blind the church from facing its sin, especially sexual sin, would come down, and for conviction and repentance.
* Rescue and healing for those in bondage in sin, especially sexual sin, including healing for wives.
* Marriages and youth.
* For God to move in the porn industry.
* That God’s people would be provoked to prayer. We need prayer meetings fired up in every church, every day of the week.
* For new ground, especially in the sexual arena where the enemy continues to destroy lives.
* Specific situations we’re involved with in the US and abroad.
Scripture reading, waiting in silence, and worship will be a part of our time together. Any person from any country who speaks English and has a heart for prayer is welcome. You’re welcome to participate as long as you like; stay for an hour, or the whole four hours. My plan is to participate for the entire four hours.
We will begin promptly at 7:30PM Central time. If you want to come and pray silently instead of out loud, this is fine.
If you’d like to participate, please contact us and we’ll send you the zoom link.