1. Pray:
* That churches all over the world would confront the sexual sin that is so prevalent among God’s people. * For healing for individuals and marriages that are being shattered every day. * That the Lord would remove the shroud of silence that keeps so many churches silent about this issue. * For ministries like this one that are on the front lines and subject to spiritual attack.
2. Join our prayer team. Our prayer team of ladies prays together Tuesday mornings and Wednesday nights; please email us if you’d like to join them.
3. Tell your pastor or church/ministry leadership about the statistics showing that at least 50% of Christian men and 30% of women are struggling with porn or sex addiction, and encourage them to take action.
4. Start a Strength in Numbers group.
5. Have an individual or married couple share their struggles with porn/sex addiction before your local congregation to encourage others to get help.
6. If you’re a pastor, talk openly and clearly about the porn epidemic among Christians, and show them how to deal with it. This article will provide you with an outline to use.
7. Start a support group for wives of sex addicts.
8. Ask the Lord to show you another person you might help, and be transparent with your struggles. Many broken men and women are dying to talk to someone who they can relate to.
9. If you’re from a country outside the U.S., consider partnering up with us and having the Blazing Grace website translated into your home country’s language. There are few resources in other countries for dealing with the porn epidemic, and it’s just as prevalent outside the U.S. Please email us for more information.
10. Tell another person about this ministry and/or forward the link to this website.
11. Sponsor a Struggling with Porn Billboard in your city. This is a great way to increase awareness among the churches in your city of the porn epidemic, and encourage those who are hurting to get help.
12. If you don’t have the funds to support a porn billboard, ask your church if they will consider sponsoring it, or raise the funds with other Christians you know who want to see the sexually broken helped.
13. Forward a copy of How Many Porn Addicts are in Your Church? to your pastor and/or members of the elder board in your church.
14. Stop watching, downloading or purchasing any kind of pornography; this funds the porn industry and perpetuates the rape and abuse of thousands of lost souls in the sex industry, as well as the destruction of families. (Do whatever it takes to break free from lust; get plugged in with a support group, get professional help, etc.)
15. Join our team of women who email other wives for support.
16. Add a link to the Blazing Grace site to your website, so that those who need help can find it.
17. Tell someone at your church about the need to start a Strength in Numbers group.
18. Forward the Blazing Grace newsletter to a friend, someone who needs it, or your pastor.
19. Turn off all TV channel service to your home so that no one in your family can be exposed to a sexually inappropriate program. When you call the cable company to cancel their service, tell them you’re doing so because they’re selling porn, a product that is destroying thousands of lives. Without getting legalistic about it, tell your Christian friends what you did so they can consider doing the same.
20. Start a support group for women who struggle with sexual addiction.
21. Post one of our newsletters or articles on your website.
22. Start a ministry to women in the sex industry, such as prostitutes, strippers and porn actresses.
23. Contact the religion writer of your local newspaper, and ask him to write about the porn epidemic in the church. The Blazing Grace website has plenty of ammunition that you can point him to.
24. Contact the talk show host of your local Christian radio station, and ask him to do a show about the porn epidemic in the church.
25. Run a “Struggling with Porn” ad in your local newspaper.