Porn Statistics

Statistics and information on pornography – internet porn and other forms.


* Barna Group, a Christian research organization and Josh McDowell Ministries partnered to survey porn use among Christians and found:
– 68% of church-going men and 50% of pastors view porn on a regular basis. Of young Christian adults 18-24 years old, 76% actively search for porn.
– Many teens are sexting—either on the receiving or sending end of sexually explicit images. 62% of teens and young adults have received a sexually explicit image and 41% have sent one (usually from or to their boyfriend, girlfriend, or friend).
– Youth pastors (64%) confessed to struggling with porn, either currently or in the past.

* After the outbreak of Covid-19, Pornhub, the largest porn site in the world, reported that their worldwide downloads increased by 25%.

* The US is the number one producer and consumer of pornography in the world. 60% of all porn websites are hosted in the US.

*Great Britain is the world’s second largest consumer of porn.

*From a survey of UK Christians:
-75% of Christian men view porn at least monthly.
-41% of Christian men admit to being addicted to pornography.
-30% of church leaders view porn regularly
-10% of Christian men have paid for sex.
-90% of Christians believe the church does not adequately support those struggling with porn

* Google Trends has shown for years that the states with the highest populations of evangelicals have the most searches for sex-related terms.

* Porn sites receive more regular traffic than Netflix, Amazon, & Twitter combined, each month.

* Eleven is the average age a child is first exposed to porn. 94% of kids will see porn by age 14.

* From a poll of 2,000 girls ages 16-21 31% of teenage girls said they’ve taken part in sexual activities without even a kiss.

* 79% of pornography exposure happens at home

* 77% of boys from grade eight to 12 surveyed admitted to watching porn on their mobile phones, laptops, tablets, websites, and/or CDs.

* More than half of all divorces involve a spouse with issues with pornography.

* 50% of self identified Christians and 36% of Evangelicals have premarital sex.